Job: When Life Doesn't Make Sense


Friend, Enemy or Frenemy

Paul Roberts
We all have friends and we all need friends. Have you ever had someone who was a friend and an enemy? You might call this person a Frenemy. Job has friends who come to his aid but some of them sound more like enemies than friends. These friends thought being hurtful was being helpful. Boy were they wrong. Let's see how this plays out.
Sunday, February 27, 2022


Job: When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Have you ever said, "this doesn't make sense?" Something happens to you and you don't know why? In this series Pastor Paul takes a close look at the life of Job because if there was ever a person's life that didn't make sense, it was Job. The story of Job is meant to be an example of someone who holds on to God regardless of the circumstances. Let's dig in and figure out how to hang on to God no matter what.

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