Job: When Life Doesn't Make Sense


Ever Feel Like Screaming?

Paul Roberts
As we continue in our series on the life of Job, we see him at his breaking point. Have you ever been there? We'll see that Job is hurt by the words of others, he feels trapped because of his situation, and he feels all alone. Job is at his breaking point and wants to scream. We can ultimately see that Job needs a redeemer. Just like Job, when we're at our breaking point we need to see that we're in need of a redeemer as well. Let's look at Job's breaking point and how the Lord helped him.
Sunday, March 27, 2022


Job: When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Have you ever said, "this doesn't make sense?" Something happens to you and you don't know why? In this series Pastor Paul takes a close look at the life of Job because if there was ever a person's life that didn't make sense, it was Job. The story of Job is meant to be an example of someone who holds on to God regardless of the circumstances. Let's dig in and figure out how to hang on to God no matter what.

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