Grief Group
On the last Sunday of every month the grief group meets in The Shop at 6:00pm. This is a great group of men and women who have been impacted by the loss of a loved one. They meet together for encouragement, guidance, support, accountability and Bible study. This is an open group, that means anyone is welcome to attend.
Life Recovery
Do you have a habit, hurt, or hang up that's ruining your life? Are you caught in the grip of addiction? Have you been affected by addiction? Then, you need to be at Life Recovery. Every Wednesday night at 6:30pm, Life Recovery meets in the Care Center (tan house on the corner of the church parking lot). This is a great group of men and women who have been affected by addiction in one way or another. There are two things that are unique about this recovery group: (1) we boldly identify our higher power as Jesus Christ and (2) this group is for all types of addiction (drugs, alcohol, porn, food, gambling, and more).
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