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Baptism Is… 

  • Baptism is going public with your faith. Your commitment to Jesus is personal, but it isn’t meant to be private. Baptism declares to the world how Jesus has changed your life. 
  • Baptism can be misunderstood. Baptism isn’t what saves you, as Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."
  • Baptism is an opportunity to shout to the world and give a testimony of the One who saved you. Because your life has been changed by Jesus, you are excited, emotional, and can’t wait to share the good news.

After committing your life to Jesus, the next step is to get baptized. But you have likely asked, “Why should I get baptized?”

Reasons to Get Baptized
1. It Is a Public Profession of Your Faith
In Acts 2:41 we see what happened at Pentecost. In that moment many publicly professed their belief in Jesus as the Savior. Baptism is a powerful way to publicly declare your faith in Jesus. 

2. Jesus Commanded It
Matthew 28:18-20 is what is called the great commission, because Jesus sends His followers out to share the Gospel, baptize them, teach them, and ultimately make disciples. When we accept Jesus as Savior, the next step is to be baptized, grow in our faith, and be on mission to tell others about Him. 

3. It Reminds You of Your New Identity
Colossians 2:11-13 teaches us that Baptism is picture of our new identity in Jesus. We put off the sins of the flesh and bury them in Baptism. Coming out of the water symbolizes you are spiritually alive and are forgiven. You are a new creation in Christ. 

4. It Reminds You to Turn Away from Sin
In 1 Peter 3:21 we are told that God wants us to have a changed lifestyle. In other words, Baptism reminds us to continually turn from sin and turn toward God. It symbolizes your commitment to live a holy (set apart) life.
5. It Makes You a Church Member  
In Acts 2:41 we see that when we are Baptized, we're saying “I'm in complete agreement with what this church believes and I'm fully committed to carrying out its mission." It expresses an attitude of unity, a desire to grow, a dedication to support, a willingness to serve, and a great love for the people.   

(501) 888-2633
20422 N Springlake Rd. Hensley, AR 72065
