How Can I Become a Member?
We’re so glad you’re interested in becoming a part of the family! Here at East Union, we believe church membership is very important. A commitment to Christ is not complete without a commitment to a local new testament church.
Requirement for Membership
To be a member at East Union, you must have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and have been baptized by immersion with a church of like faith and beliefs. That’s it.
In addition, East Union strongly encourages people to attend the “Next Steps” class to learn about who we are and what we’re about. Next Steps is a four-week class and is presented on Sunday mornings at 10am by our Outreach Pastor, Dennis Holmes.
Ready for Membership
You can join East Union during the invitation of a worship service. At the end of the service, you will be invited to come forward to be saved, be baptized, become a member, pray, and to make commitments to the Lord. There are three ways people can become a member: (1) by profession of faith in Jesus Christ and requesting baptism, (2) by transferring church membership from another church of like faith and practice, or (3) by statement of salvation in Christ and Baptism, if a transfer of church membership cannot be obtained.
Responsibility for Membership
Every member of East Union has a great responsibility to be a public witness for Jesus Christ in this community and the world; to participate in worship, life groups, and the ministries at East Union; to offer skills, gifts, abilities, and time to serve the church and its ministries; and to prayerfully and financially support the church, ministries, and missionaries.
If you are interested in learning more about joining East Union, please contact Dennis Holmes (501) 888-2633 or visit with one of our Pastors.