Experiencing Grace


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Paul Roberts
Pastor Paul continuers the series "Expereincing Grace" by explaining how we receive God's grace. We have discovered through previous sermons WHAT grace is and WHY we need it but now we will learn HOW we receive it. Based on Hebrews 4, Pastor Paul explains that we receive the grace of God in four ways: supplication (prayer), scripture, submission, and sharing. Turn to Hebrews 4:15-16 and lets look into these four ways we can expereince the grace of God.
Sunday, July 22, 2018


Experiencing Grace

Based on our "Who Cares?" theme, "Experiencing Grace" is a sermon series that will teach us that we must experience grace personally before we can extend grace to others. Ephesians 2:8-9 gives us a working definition of grace (unmerited favor) and Jesus models how we are to demonstrate grace but ultimately to understand grace we first must experience it. This is going to be an incredible sermon series. You will NOT want to miss it.

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